Through the Night 上田正樹 - 歌詞 - 歌詞Tube


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Through the Night

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上田正樹 の歌詞リスト

  1. 森のうたはじめに小さな森があり
  2. We shall overcomeWe shall overcome
  3. My old Kentucky home~故郷を離れて暮らすすべての人たちへ~The sun shines bright in
  4. I've been working on the railroad(線路は続くよどこまでも)I've been working on the
  5. 夏の思い出~Summertime~夏の思い出夏が来れば思い出す
  6. 月の沙漠月の沙漠をはるばると
  7. La La La SongI look across the morning
  8. I believe in Love AgainA silence from the world
  9. Brothers & SistersHey! Brothers Hey! Sisters
  10. いつかきっと...登れない山などない渡れない
  11. Always in my heartIf I asked you to stay would
  12. Peace to AsiaWhat is Asia to us