Inside of Me U-KISS - 歌詞 - 歌詞Tube


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Inside of Me

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U-KISS の歌詞リスト

  1. Baby,Touch MeOh yeah Baby touch me
  2. nightmarelately I've been having a
  3. Bungee JumpAre you ready We are ready
  4. FLY HIGH 〜Intro〜Forever and ever We'll make
  5. Break up聞けるわけがない噂は真実
  6. Shape of your heartBaby You Whats wrong
  7. Fall in LoveWhen I fall in love 君の愛に
  8. Interlude II 〜Now and Forever〜I know it was not easy
  9. Thousand Miles Away曇り硝子を滑り落ちる雨
  10. Play BackBaby or Lady アンビバレンス