Better Scarred fade - 歌詞 - 歌詞Tube


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Better Scarred

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fade の歌詞リスト

  1. SPINFlesh and bone given birth
  2. facelook in the mirror there
  3. Tides Of ChangePlastic in everything
  4. Born ReadyI dream of No obstruction
  5. TenI'd be coming home
  6. Ever FreeWhoa Until the day I find
  7. So Far GoneI feel the nothingness
  8. Last Man StandingRage awakens Soul is taken
  9. FilterCan't escape this emptiness
  10. Under the SunWhispers of my heart be still
  11. SheShe walked out from me
  12. Cross Road汗ばむ様な夜に凍える様な