crush the window Dragon Ash - 歌詞 - 歌詞Tube


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crush the window

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Dragon Ash の歌詞リスト

  1. CURTAIN CALL始まりの光りが僕らを
  2. GOLDEN LIFEa pocket size treasure of
  3. BLOW YOUR MINDwatch me now microphone
  4. TODAY'S THE DAYhere I count down 321
  5. NEVERLANDtime called childhood
  6. SomewhereI feel I dont belong there
  7. 陽はまたのぼりくりかえすSlow Down 日常にあふれる
  8. Grateful DaysTurn up radio そう今日も
  9. ShadeIf your eyes hurt in the glaring sunlight
  10. See you in a flashほら格子戸を染め憂いだ焦げ色は
  11. Cloverleafほらね夕月の染めを足して
  12. Scarlet NeedleScarlet needle Pierce the